Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Losing Weight the Hard Way???

I came across this title to a video "Losing Weight the Hard Way" on YouTube. I did not watch the video because I wasn't interested in seeing it but the first thought that came to my mind was, is there an easy way to lose weight? Honestly, I believe that there are no easy ways to lose weight. Even persons who get the lap band or gastric bypass have to make lifestyles changes and struggle to lose weight. The truth is if losing weight was easy everyone would be slim! Unless of course the person didn't want to be slim. But to humour myself, I decided to search for "easy ways to lose weight". I came across this one website that is entitled "11 Easy Ways to Lose weight in 2weeks".

Before I clicked the website I thought it would give me some "off landish" (my way of saying over the top, weird) suggestions/tips that would probably require me to starve myself.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that there are actually some really good tips on the site. It gives you simple changes that you can make that could possibly help you see some results. So if you are interested check out the site and tell me what you think.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas with the people you love! I am keeping things short and sweet today!

Strength, Health and Happiness from Me to Everyone!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Happy Holidays!n                

P.S. Don't eat too much because it will show on the scale! 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Long time no post!

Last week was quite busy for me I had a lot of things to do in prep for the arrival of Sir.  He came on last week Wednesday! So yaaaaaaaaay I am happy :D Then we went to Abaco for our mini vacation, we did it to relax and just to spend some time together without others around. We had a great vacation and I ate a whole lot. Too much if you asked me. But it was all in good fun! I don't know what else to post about the vacation, we spent the first two days just lounging on the beach and when we weren't doing that we were eating... We did go bike riding once. We did not take as much pictures as we probably should have but I have some to show you all. I am getting back into exercising and stuff today (I feel like I say this every post!) I still have to make that goal of being under 200lbs by the new year. I will admit that it is going to be hard but I am still committed. Hope you like the pics. 

 The view from our room. 
 The Beach
 Sir on the Beach
 Me on the Beach
 Yummy Breakfast
 More Yummy Breakfast

 Yummy Lunch, The salad was good, so was the meat that is Conch (konk) Pretty popular hear. 
 Yummy Lunch
 Me and sir on the Beach, A tree was holding the camera
 We had to be creative with where we put the camera. It was on the bike this time...
 Up close and personal
This time the camera was on a bench. I don't think sir knows there is something called 

2010 in Review and New Years Resolutions!

This year is going to be different, I am going to make resolutions and I am going to keep them. I am pretty sure I said that last year! But this year is going to be different it is 2011 and what better time to change than now. I said that when it was 2010

I wanted to make my resolutions early this year so I can get a jump start on it maybe.

Last Year if I remember correctly I made quite a few resolutions. The major ones were as followed:

Resolution #1: Lose weight: Isn't this on everyone's list? I didn't start working towards this goal until august but at least I did lose some weight. So I am thinking that I achieved this goal because I didn't say how much I wanted to lose and so far this year I have lost about 18lbs (total)

Resolution #2 : Get Fit: I think I am more fit than I was at the beginning of this year. Last year, even earlier this year I had pain in my ankles every time I walked. I tried buying comfortable shoes. I tried varying the pace at which I walked and I even tried ignoring the pain. I talked to my doctor about the pain, but he sucks he gave me the usual you need to lose some weight speech. ( Did I mention my doctor is a smoker? I roll my eyes whenever he tells me to lose weight, I always think whatever why don't you stop smoking?)  Finally I started working out in August. After a week I saw results, The swelling in my ankle went down and I feel so much better than I did before. I have absolutely no pain in my legs when I walk.  So I would say that even though I still have a long way to go I am on my way and that pleases me.

Resolution #3 : I will Stop eating junk food. Epic Fail. I think I ate a lot less junk food than I usually did but this is a work in progress.

Resolution # 4 Stop procrastinating. Yea I think I may have gotten worse.

Resolution #5: Save money. Does the fact that my bf saves money count?

This year I am going to make things easy on myself and I am going to keep these same resolutions only this time I will be more specific with how much weight I lose. I want to lose 30lbs by May and I want to lose my last 30lbs by December 2011. Therefore starting January I am going to start a new journey and I will try to lose 30lbs by May. 

In order to do this I will have to continue working on my eating, and I will have to exercise. Sounds simple right? Words are sometimes easier than actions. But I will get it done. 

The rest will remain the same, I am giving up on giving up on eating junk food. I think it is pointless at this time in my life. I will work on reducing the amount of junk food I eat though. 

Are any of you thinking about making New Years Resolutions? Did you keep the ones you made last year? Is there room for improvement or are you content?

Thanks for reading! 

Until Next time!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Blog Award!

First, I would like to begin by saying thanks for Ellen over at Fatgirlwearingthin for giving me this award. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, you need to get over there. I can't begin to say how much I love reading her blog posts! She is always supportive, she is a really nice person and genuine spirit shines through her posts and comments. 

To my Readers: 

I feel so special! I am so thankful for everyone that reads my blog. Honestly, when I started blogging I did not do it for the followers, I didn't even think that I would get followers and now I have people reading my blog and leaving positive comments and I that means so much to me. I just want to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my babbling. Off note type of thingy, An old English teacher once told me that I sucked at writing, I think she sucked at 

This is what it is about: 

I now have the difficult task of passing this award on to five bloggers. I wanted to give the award to persons who didn't already have it and I wanted to give it to blogs that I think are AWESOME. Some of the blogs I wanted to nominate already had the award so... For now I only have 4 persons. (I have a blog in mind but for some reason I can't find it so I will update it later) This is in no particular order:

1. Miesha @ Ms Phyt, Phat N Phyne: She is a very positive person, really inspiring she exercises hard, she has lost about 100lbs (if not over that) and she looks AMAZING! She is the reason why I am doing turbo fire.. I secretly envy her ability to do that workout system! I am going to get there some day. 

2. Tim @ Fat Boy Thin: He is Hilarious! I love reading his posts, he is doing this cooking challenge and he is always so honest about how his food turns out.

3. The Fat Mom @ TheFatmom: Another really great blog. She talks about her journey and her family (Beautiful family) Her rants tend to make me

4. Toot @ Toot's Life: I just started following this blog recently and I like her honesty. She does something a bit different with her blog because she posts videos too!

5.  TBA

I am kinda lated (yes I said lated) with posting this I was extremely busy over the weekend. I still have to find number five. NUMBER FIVE LET ME KNOW IF IT'S YOU!

Happy Sunday Folks!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

And the list goes on!

Suppose food came with a list of side effects. For example, suppose one of your favourite fast food restaurant listed on the package that eating food from the establishment could lead to obesity. Then it listed all the health risk factors connected with being obese such as,  type 2 diabetes, heart disease stroke, lymphoma, kidney failure, high blood pressure, depression, or low self-esteem would you still eat there?

This thought came to my mind after I saw a prescription drug commercial on TV. They were advertising a drug for depression but the side effects were worse than the medical condition!

Back to my previous question, would you still eat at that establishment? If you were honest, you would probably say yes, (unless of course your honest answer was no) because I know I would still eat at that establishment. Why does knowledge only take us so far? For example, I seriously would not take depression pills that could help me because of the side effects but I would still eat some greasy (yet delicious) fast food burger that I know hinders my weight loss progress! I think this is crazy. But just one more thing I have to work on… 

P.S I have random unrelated titles sometimes

Jus for Laughs (Not weight related)

So I was working on a new post (which I will upload right after this one) and I realised how bad I am with speaking English. I am going so give you a sample of how I normally speak. 

Me: I bin workin on a post and I ca' believe ha hard it is ta write right. I is be writing question wit no question word. I een no ha ne1 suppose ta read dat. Well wait dis een making not one bit a sense. 

Translations: I was working on a post and I couldn't believe how hard it is to write with correct grammar. I write questions without using question words. I don't know how anyone supposed to read it. This isn't any sense either. 

I ga tell ya dis tho it hard to write like ha I dus speak  ( It's hard to write the way I speak too,,,lol)

I am bored sue me!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Absent Minded, Lazy and Such

For the last two weeks I have been in a lazy mood. Seriously If I didn't have to get out of bed I would stay in all day. I have lost all motivation, I don't even want to make blog posts. (I miss you all though so I still read and post comments.) I have moments when all I want is solitude and if I could, I would disappear out of existence for however long I need to be away. Unfortunately, that kinda stuff only happens in movies and as far as I know my life isn't being taped. There isn't some show out there called " The Shanny Show" where everyone else knows it is a movie and I am clueless of my made up existence. Can you tell that I am a big fan of Jim Carey? 

Anyways on to weight loss, I have been steady at 202lbs, there are moments when I gain a pound or lose a pound but whenever Friday comes along I manage to see the magic number again. I know exactly what I am doing wrong, it is just going to take me a bit of time to correct it. I still expect to be under 200lbs by January. I have been working out, I walk every day (outside) and I have done WATPs dvds but today I am getting back into Turbo Fire, I plan to do yesterday's workout and today's workout today. I am off from school for this semester so I will have more time to dedicate to working out and eating right. 

My final thoughts are, losing weight isn't easy, it takes dedication and consistency and if one of those things is lacking anyone who is trying to lose weight is going to come across hurdles. However, if by chance obstacles stand in your way, find a way to get around it, do not give up and do not get frustrated, some races aren't for the swift, but rather the slow and steady runners. I feel like a fortune Or one of those corny cliche books. Anyways peoples (yes I said peoples, it is a word in my vocab) until next time. I may do a few more posts today, in between my

Thanks for taking the time to read my randomness. Hope yall have a nice day and lose a lot of weight!. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This, That and the Rest!


First of I would like to say thanks you everyone for your well wishes, My mother came out of the hospital on Tuesday she has a heap load of meds to take for the next few days but she is back and nagging the heck outta me. If she asked me to do one more thing I am going to pull my hair out! (Just kidding I am happy that she is home. But please don't tell her that)


Earlier this week I stood on the scale and I weighed 200lbs I was so excited because I was certain that meant that I would be below that number by Friday then I stop caring about what I was eating and Tom came to visit so I went back up two lbs. BOOOOOO! 

So now I feel like I am being stalked by 202lbs. Is he a fan or a foe? My exercise has been mainly walking. I did a lot of walking this week and last week. It is about a 1.5 mile walk from the bus stop to where my mother was staying in the hospital. Did I mention that the hospital sits on a hill? Yes it does! The first day I walked that hill my legs nagged me that evening. They were so restless I had to lay them on a pillow inorder to sleep. OMG Walking that hill made me feel so out of shape but the plus side was that I was able to do it without my joints hurting and I was still able to keep a good speed and my breathing was controlled. 3months ago I would not have been able to do that. My ankles would have been burning so much that I would have had to sit somewhere to give my legs a chance to rest. I felt so proud of myself. I found a new sense of renewal and inspiration. Walking that hill made me realise that although I came a long way I still have some  work to do.  For the rest of the week I am going to be mixing up my exercises I want to do 2hours of exercise every day for the next 4 days. Then Monday I am getting back into Turbo Fire. I actually miss it. 

The Rest (Random ISh that comes to my mind)

I am not going to make any written goals for December. I going to do what I need to do to lose the weight that I want to lose.  I have about 5lbs left to lose to meet the goals I had for the 15 in 15 Challenge and I am going to try my best to make that. I will be painting my room and giving it a makeover, my room looks like it was hit by a tornado maybe even I am too grown to be so messy. I am catching up on reading blogs and posting comments. I haven't read in two days and I am feeling like I have missed out on some things. I can't wait to go Christmas shopping. I can't wait for my boyfriend/FiancĂ©/Sir to get here it has been way to long since I have seen him face to face. I miss him soooooooo much! I am tired of complaining about the heat. PLEASE LORD SEND US SOME COLD WEATHER! 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hey Fellow Bloggers, Readers and the Likes...

On my last post I said I wouldn't be posting because my mother was sick. I have an update on that she is doing better, she has pneumonia, and she waited until she was extremely sick before she went to the doctor,. The doctor told her he has no idea how she made it the way she was but if she had waited one more day she would have died. When she arrived at the hospital her pulse was high, her blood pressure was low, she had shallow breathing and the list goes on. She even lost about 15lbs and she only weighed about 115 to begin with. She is using an oxygen tank to help her breathe but she is recovering really well. The doctor is going to see her again on Monday to let her know more about how she is recovering and maybe to give her an idea of when she will be able to come home. I want to thank Joy and Tim for the kind words you left I really appreciate it. I want to thank everyone else who read it and still remembered us in their prayers. Since I know my mother is in good hands I can get back to posting. I didn't completely go away though I still read others blogs and I left comments here and there. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Not going to blog for a while

My mother was admitted into the hospital today and she may have a life threatening problem. We won't know for sure until she gets a scan done. She has been sick for a few weeks but we finally convinced her to go to the doctor. For that reason my complete focus will be on my mother and I will be too busy helping my sister with my 3 year old nephew and taking care of what we can while my mother is in the hospital, I doubt I will want to exercise or blog about anything related to my weight. For some reason it seems so insignificant right now. I will still try to stay on track with my eating though. Earlier I wrote that this was going to be a stressful week little did I know how stressful. I thank you all in advance for your support.

I am Thankful that...

... I made it to 27 :D Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Happy Birthday to me :D Today is my 27th birthday! Jeez in three years I will be 30. Yikes! lol

Last week I had set goals to be under 200lbs by my birthday but unfortunately I really slacked off this week because of a stressful week so I didn't meet that goal. But I am Ok with it. And I am still going to eat a piece of cake, I am going to try to get some workout sessions in today, nevertheless on Saturday I am going to go full force back into my exercises. 

Other News
I have an update to make on Turbo Fire I am still committed to the program but I am going to do the first week over because I did not work out this week and I don't want to do more advanced exercising when I barely made it through the first week without my heart trying to break free of my body. I feel good that I am able to maintain at 202 lbs even though I haven't been exercising or eating particularly well. To me it means that the way I am  losing weight is working for me. In the past I did really restrictive diets where I would lose 4lbs after 2 weeks but then I would regain that 4lbs in 2 days. The fact that that didn't happen this time is inspiring to me. TOM will visit me the beginning of next week I think and I haven't even gained any weight as a result of that in like 3months which is good because I used to gain 5lbs. But anyways until the next post!. 

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating it. Happy Thursday to everyone else and Happy Birthday to ME ME ME!!!! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Stress Filled Week Ahead!

This is the last week of the semestre and I am sure it is going to be a week from hell for me. I have so many things that I need to do that I am feeling overwhelmed already. I was going to run on about how bad my week is going to be but I thought maybe it would help just to give tips on the things I am going to do to deal/cope with the stress:

1. Listen to Relaxing Music: I love to listen to Enya when I am feeling overwhelmed. She has a really soothing voice and the music is so calming that just listening to it relaxes

2. Breathing Exercises. Mediation: Taking long deep breathes and clearing my mind allows me to see things objectively.

3. Write Everything down. It helps me to write down everything that I have to do. Sometimes when it's only in your mind you think How can I get all this done? But when you see it on paper it suddenly seems a bit more doable because all you have to do is organize it in terms of priority and cross it off the list once it is done.

4 Don't wait for the last minute!: Work on Things a little bit at a time. This is my biggest problem one day I will take my own advice.

5. Exercise: I read that this is a good stress reducer but it does not work for me. It takes too much energy for me to motivate myself to exercise when I am feeling overwhelmed.

Friday, November 19, 2010

15 in 15 Weigh In and Rambling

Last week's weigh in I was 202, this week I am.... wait for it......... 202! So I had no change, I could go on and on saying how I didn't expect better because last week I did not eat enough calories, and how I am bloated because I haven't you know... stinky this (yes I said stinky). I even did what Tim did, I took off all my clothes, I took whiz, I even got up at 4am this morning to get in a last minute workout just do even sweat off a pound even if it was only water weight but that 202 would not budge for longer than 2mins. I looked down that the number that wouldn't budge and I wanted to scream "STUPID SCALE! THIS IS WHY I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU!" 

On a serious note, although I would have liked to see a number below 200:lbs I was not disappointed. I am fine with the scale. I am not only on a journey to lose weight (well it is but you know what I mean) I also want to be healthy. The weight will come off eventually! Hopefully I will lose it before I am too old to enjoy my sexy body. But, believe this! If it takes me until I am 90 to get a slim sexy body you better believe there will be a 90year old woman fitting my description, wrinkles and all walking around in a mini shirt checking out young dudes! Because I worked hard for it and I am going to show it off even if it takes that long. For everyone else's sake I hope it doesn't take that

Anyways back on point.  I am more excited about my workout today. Yesterday I did Fire 30 again. I made it 4mins longer than I did the first time I did it. For some reason I could not push myself enough to finish the workout even though I only had about 6mins left. Today the workout is called Fire 55 EZ Class. I am praying that EZ stands for easy. I am going to RANT about it if Chalene misleads

Anyways I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Comedy Central: First Three Days of Turbo Fire...

... (sigh) It was... (bigger sigh) SO FREAKING DIFFICULT OMG!

Yeah... (smh - shaking my head)

I have been exercising for the better part of 2months. I have seen a lot of improvements in my stamina, and energy level, however, Day 1(Monday) of Turbo Fire made me feel like I am a novice. This was how it went. I started the DVD on my laptop, I was all excited and ready to begin. Charlene (the instructor) was full of energy as usual, the music started to play and I felt the adrenaline start to pump through my veins, I was ready to begin! I don't think I ever had a bigger smile on my face in preparation of exercising.

So we are doing the warm up that she normally uses in her Turbo Jam workout, only this time something was different. I was sweating 2minutes into the warm up and my breathing was heavy (controlled but still heavy). At first I didn't think much of it, my fan wasn't on in my room so I was ready to blame it on the humidity in the air.  Then we got into the workout and she is doing a lot of kicks and jumps and I said to myself holy Sh*t what did I just get myself into???? Then the siren goes off and Charlene says "Now I want you to give 110%". I was like "Heffa is you serious?" 

I got a flash back of when I foolishly convinced myself that I was ready to try insanity. (Can someone say that was an epic fail????) But I didn't want to give up so quickly so I pushed myself to give 100% more effort. Needless to say I thought I was going to hyperventilate! The workout was so intense! I had my phone ready to dial the ambulance. I seriously saw my life flash before my eyes. I said to the Lord, Lord is this how I am supposed to die? Doing a workout video? Really?

The workout was about 30minutes and but I managed to make it through 20mins of it (With the help of breaks of course). For the next 10minutes I stood there watching the moves while at the same time trying to control my breathing. There was NO WAY I could have finished the workout and survive (I am exaggerating but it is just that serious). I seriously thought about giving up the program and finding something else but then I thought about all the other times I had given up on my commitments so I stayed positive and said to myself Tomorrow is another day and another workout stick it through. So that was what I did, I finished my workout day with Leslie Sansone 1mile walk ( I always get a boost of confidence when I can finish an exercise dvd) I woke up feeling well rested then it was on to day two. 

Day 2 (Tuesday) workout was only 15mins but it was very difficult. Even more difficult than day 1. It was a HIIT session (High Intensity Interval Training) in a nutshell you are working out at both low and high intensity nonstop. I made it to 5mins then I quit. My breaths were so deep I honestly had no idea my lungs could expand so big. I just stared at the computer screen in shock. I asked myself again what had I gotten myself into? I started to question whether I should continue with the workout program, and again I thought about the other times I had given up. I decided that I would try HIIT on Wednesday because I was too tired to even try to push through the exercise. Instead I took a break and I rested for the remainder of Day two. 

Day 3 (Wednesday) went a lot better than the first two days, I was still really tired while I was doing the HIIT session but I took some B12 vitamins and green tea supplements before I started. I don't know if it is a  mind thing or they really help with energy but I made it through the HIIT workouts without prayers and with minimum rest periods. The workout is 15mins and it took me 20mins to finish it and I did not do the modified version of the workout I gave it my all. I was really proud of myself that I was able to make it through the DVD. I followed up the HIIT workout with the recommended 10minute Stretch DVD. 

Lessons Learned:

  • All I need to do to get through this is to stay focused
  • It is alright to take breaks when my body is telling me I need it and not when my mind says that I need it!
  • Intense workouts makes me feel GREAT!

Final Thought
Yeah I did a lot of complaining while I was working out and I may have said a curse word or two but I feel amazing right now, even with my sore muscles. I am curious what Charlene has in store for me tomorrow! I am looking forward to the day that I can finish the workouts without taking breaks! 

Added Motivation:

My birthday is next week Thursday. If I can lose 5lbs (or at least be under 200lbs) by my birthday I will have a very happy birthday. I want cake and Ice cream and I am getting it!

Would I recommend Turbo Fire?

I will have to answer this when I am done with the program. I can say this though, I don't think it is possible to do this workout program and not see results! (I really need to get a measuring tape so I can track my progress.... is there a pill to make me stop procrastinating?)

If you are curious what the workouts look like there are some videos on YouTube. I don't want to post videos on my blog without the makers permission. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mini Vacation and Turbo Jam

Although I have been working out (sparsely but still) I have not been sticking to my plan like I planned. Therefere, I am starting over. My boyfriend and I are going on a mini vacation right before Christmas. We are going to be spending 4 days at a resort in Treasure Cay, Abaco (which is an island in the Bahamas). We will be there from the 16 December to the 20 December. I am so very excited.We did a similar trip early this year where we visited another Bahamian Island and we had a blast. We went bike riding, we walked the beach and investigated the reef. We saw small fish, crabs and a lot of sea urchins. We went fishing, we filled the hot tub full of bubbles it was a blast. We would have revisited Andros but we wanted to try something new. (I got a bit of track). 

A few of the pictures we took during our trip. The yellow building (top left) is the whole entire  I got a serious tan too. That is how much time we spent outside in the sun it was amazing. (May 2010)

Anyways although we had a lot of fun in Andros one thing we didn't do was take enough pictures. There were two reasons for that, one we were having too much fun to take pictures, and two I am not comfortable taking pictures. I really regret not taking more pictures from our vacation in Andros. I am not making that same mistake twice.  I plan on taking tons of pictures in Abaco. Also, I want to look my best in the pictures, so I am using that as a source of motivation to get back on track with exercising.

For the next few weeks, I will be following the Turbo Fire exercise routine. This is the first time I will do the complete workout plan (well I won't follow the diet plan). I love doing turbo jam it gives me a lot of energy and turbo fire is a more intense version of that workout plan so it should be both challenging and fun. I haven't gotten a measuring tape yet but I will try to get one today. In a later post I will give my measurements and show a current picture of myself.

The Junk Food Diet...

The other morning, I was watching an American morning newscast and one of the featured story was on a Professor of Nutrition who claimed that he was able to lose 27lbs eating nothing but twinkees and junk food (for the most part that was all he ate). His diet is called the "Junk Food Diet". The study was conducted under the premise that portion control was more important than nutritional value when one is trying to lose weight. Therefore as long as you stay within your calorie intake you lose weight no matter what you eat. The first thought that came to my mind is that this guy is looking for a way to make money. Sure enough, he is writing a guide for his "revolutionary diet". Honestly, there is nothing remarkable about his study. Everyone who has done research on weight loss knows that calorie counting is an important aspect which promotes weight loss. Weight Watchers for example, makes millions (if not billions) of dollars on this theory. Portion Control is the basic calories in calories out that all "diet experts" and bloggers promote.I think everyone who is trying to lose weight knows this already.

Although, I am not particularly fond of this study, I think there are some positive implications to what he is doing. For persons like me who enjoys eating junk food, we know that can successfully lose weight even if we slip up and eat junk food. We know that we don't have to go on a very restrictive diet and see junk food as a devil that will hinder our progress. We know that IT IS OK TO INDULGE (within limits) every now and again. We can do that without feeling guilty. I know from personal experience that overly restrictive diets (eating plans) do not work for me. What usually happens when I try to avoid certain foods is that it becomes a source of temptation for me and I end up binging later. On the other hand, if I treat myself to something sweet when I am craving it I am able to control how much I eat without going overboard. Eventually, I want to get to the point where I do not eat junk food, but until then, I eat what I want but I track. (is it bad to be addicted to tracking? because I feel another addiction (habit) coming

I am going to post some links if you are interested about reading more on the professor and his "studies". Tell me what you think of him. I think he is an opportunist but thats just my  Eating foods that have no nutritional value can lead to deficiencies. Junk food normally contain a lot of sodium also which can lead to high blood pressure. Can someone say this professor is begging for a lawsuit??? 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Slave to the scale...

It is almost as if it is taunting me, it calls my name constantly. Every ten seconds I have the urge to stand on it.  It is like a demon in my ear, I hear it whispering to me, every time I eat something, exercise or drink something, it calls to me, it is almost like it is seducing me. (with a Pepe Le skunk voice) "Hey pretty thing, be a good girl, and stand on me, weigh yourself, you know you want to do it. And I want you to do it. Will you please stand on me and ease this pain of separation that we are experiencing"  Rather than fight the temptation I do it, I stand on the scale and I weigh myself, I have gotten to the point that I weigh myself no less than 30 times a day.  I am sitting here writing this blog and thinking about weighing myself. In fact I am going to take a pause and go and weigh (Seriously I did weigh myself) All jokes aside, Hi My name is Shantell and I am addicted to the scale!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Week in Review


My week was quite eventful and uneventful at the same time. We are winding down the last few weeks of the semestre so I had a heap load of presentations make and reports to write. The worse part about it was that the  lecturers told us from Day 1 what was expected of us. They warned us not to wait for the last minute to start. They advised us to work on it throughout the semestre.  But guess who always has to wait until the night before to prepare??? Yes you guessed it me. Some how I have managed to convinced myself that I think better under pressure. So I have spent this week working on reports and I think for this week (M to R) I have only slept a total of 10hours. So now I am sleep deprived and I will probably be really hungry today. The upside of that was that I have finished the majority of the work I had left this week. I have one more presentation on Tuesday and two papers to write for that day as well then I will be able to relax and think again. Which is why I haven't been posting or working on my exercise challenge. I had too much else to think about that I took the out to stop thinking. I was in autopilot. A few times the light was on but no one was at home. 

Eating and Exercise

I managed to work out one day this week for a little bit over an hour. I think it was 1hr20. I have been eating under 1000 calories this week too, it is not intentional I have just had so many things to do that food didn't cross my mind.  Nevertheless today is a new day. I am going to relax today, eat good and worry about everything else next As far as weight is concerned. I lost 1.9lbs I am exactly 202 ( I can smell 199) It will probably take me 2 weeks to get there but I am going to try to do in 1week. 

The rest

Again I want to say. thanks to everyone for your support. I have been reading everyone's blog even if I didn't comment. I have three posts in draft I am going to edit and get them up if not today, tomorrow. If you have a blog and I am not already a follower of yours let me know I am happy to follow everyone! I have learned so much already from reading others posts and I have an opinion about EVERYTHING! Until next time! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This is what happens when I blink

I blinked and when I look again I had 21 followers! WAY COOL! I am so amazed! I never thought that I would have 1 follower much less 21! Really??? Anyways thank you everyone for your support! 

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I have been tagged by Ellen at Fat Girl Wearing Thin she has a great blog if you haven't checked it out yet do so!

The rules of the tag is that you have to answer the four questions then write four questions for the person you tag to answer.

1.  Name the furthest place you’ve ever been from home.
The furtherest place I have ever been would have to be France. But I have also been to the Netherlands about 6times I have been to Mexico, Cuba, Belguim and a few states in the U.S. (I am from The Bahamas)
2.  What is the most physically demanding thing you’ve ever done?
I would have to say carrying four heavy bags through the terminal (by myself) because I didn't want to pay 5 dollars to borrow a trolley/cart
3.  How long have you been blogging and what was your initial reason for starting?
I was blogging since March of this year and I started because I thought it would be fun to talk about random things that was on my mind.  
4.  What is the best thing that’s happened to you in 2010?

I would have to say the best thing to ever happen to me in 2010 was getting to spend 3straight months with my boyfriend. ( We are in a long, long, long distance relationship) I had an amazing summer! We stayed at the resort in Andros that is another island in the Bahamas. We took bubble baths in a jacuzzi. We went for long late walks in Holland. We went to the movies and ate a lot of Ben and Jerry's and we were laughing I had a great Summer.

Questions for others:

1. What is something that you bought this year that you still have but wish you could take it back to the store?

2. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

3. Are you planning on making New Years resolutions?

4. What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

The people that I am tagging: I have no idea who have done this tag already. So if you are reading this and you want to do it. Do it and leave a comment saying you did it so I can read your response thanks :D

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 2 and 3 of Personal Exercise Challenge

To sum it up the two days were complete and utter failures. I did not work out at all. Monday I only slept for only three hours and so when it was time for me to exercise on Tuesday I was literally falling asleep. After 20mins of trying two different work out videos I gave up trying because I wasn't giving it enough effort for it to have any effect. I was going to make it up yesterday by working out for 1:30mins but I a lower back pain I can even bend over because my back hurts too much. Writing this seems like I am making a lot of excuses but nevertheless I am going to make up my hours this week. I hope I have better luck today.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 1 of November Exercise Challenge is Complete.

I am going to be honest, I don;t feel like blogging right now (I am feeling stressed and have a lot going on right now) but a part of my challenge said that I would do updates on how my challenge is going because I feel it will help me stay on track . Overall yesterday went well, I pretty much met all the requirements. I drank enough water and I watched my calorie intake and I kinda worked out for an hour yesterday. I say kinda because I started working out at about 11:50pm and I didn't complete my workouts until about 1:10am. Yes PEOPLE I workout really late. I hope it still counts according my to boyfriend the next morning doesn't start until the sun comes 

To be honest I prefer working out at night, I have no idea why but it seems like I can't muster enough energy to put on my workout clothes and tennis until it is late in the evening. Another reason why I work out so late is because, it is the most convenient time for me. It is when my house is quietest and it is less likely for my 3 year old nephew to interrupt me during my workout sessions. However, there is a negative side to working out so later! It took me an hour to fall asleep after I finished my workouts! It sucks but looking at the bright side at least I did it.

November 1st Workouts:
  1. Walkaway the pounds 2mile walk: I used 2lbs weight instead of the weight balls (I don't have those) and my arms were burning but I am happy I did it (30min workout)
  2. Yoga Booty Ballet Cardio Cabaret.: I have to say that normally I don' t like dance workouts I hate Zumba but I really like this workout. As the name suggests it combines principles of yoga dancing and ballet. It was a bit hard to keep up with the moves sometimes but I still really enjoyed myself. It was fun to do yoga again.  When they were done I seriously wondered where the time went. I am going to do this working again most likely on Friday. (30min workout)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tips to Motivate Yourself to Exercise.

We all know that exercise is important for our health. Likewise, we know that there are many benefits to physical activity. For example, it can improve your mood, it helps to relieve stress, and it helps to manage your weight. (Just to name of few) However, sometimes finding the motivation to exercise requires so much energy that you may choose not to exercise. In hopes of motivating myself (and possibly others) I have listed  7 tips that may help motivate myself (and you) to exercise. 

1. Do exercises that you love doing: This is very simple to comprehend. If do exercises that you love to you will do it more readily as oppose to doing an exercise that you don't like doing. Make exercise fun rather than a chore. The more fun you have while exercising the more you will want to do it. 

2. Reward Yourself: If you are finding it hard to exercise, it may help to reward yourself every week or after you have done a certain amount of hours of exercise.

3. Challenge Yourself: I have found that challenging myself helps me to stay focus. I am very competitive so I don't back down from a challenge, especially if I am going to be accountable for my actions. 

4. Read Success Stories:  Reading the success stories is a great motivational tool. It is evidence that weight loss can be achieved. 

5. Think about how you feel after a good work out: I always feel amazing after a good workout. I mean a real workout! One that gets your blood pumping and has you pouring sweat. It is energizing and amazing that along is motivation for me and probably anyone who has experienced the same thing. 

6. Get a reliable workout buddy: I think it is best to workout with someone who is already committed to exercising because that person can help encourage you to workout as well. It is also more fun to workout with someone else because you have someone to take your mind off of your actions.

7. Do a variety of exercises. Doing the same routine over and over can bore you. Boredom leads to exercise avoidance. Find ways to keep your workouts spontaneous, and fun. 

November 1st! New Personal Challenge.

November is my favorite month. I love November because I am a November baby :D My birthday is on the 25th and I am going to be 27 years OLD! (My fiancĂ©s birthday is also in November) I am so excited! I remember when I used to fear getting older, now I see it as a blessing. So many people whine about how bad their life is and they focus on the negative so much that they don't see the positive things that they have accomplished. I am determined not to be one of those persons. I appreciate life along with the good and the bad that comes along with being alive. But this is not what this post is about so I moving right  along...

This post is actually about exercise and my new challenge. I have not been exercising as much as I should. Last week I only exercised once I did a two mile walk. I was trying to do the Leslie Sansone 4 mile walk but I stopped after 2miles. I didn't stop because I was too tired to continue, I stopped because I didn't feel like working out. Lately I have been unmotivated to exercise. I am not going to make excuses so I am going straight to the solution. I have decided to do another 30 day exercise challenge. It will end the first Sunday in December, I choose to run it a week longer because I want to take progress pictures and I don't want to take the picture until next week because this week Tom is visiting. 

Terms of the Challenge

1. Exercise for a minimum of an hour a everyday except on Rest Days. On Rest Days I will only exercise for 30mins. There will be two rest days a week. 
2. Drink at least 64oz of water everyday. Even though I have not exercised as I should, I have still manage to lose weight. I think that is because I have been doing well with drinking water and I am staying on track with eating 1300 calories a day.
3. Make a blog post reflecting my how my exercise went and whether I met my requirements. I need accountability. Posting about my progress forces me to be accountable for my actions. 
4. Take measurements. I will do measurements next week, I need to get a measuring tape. Sometimes we get discourages because we arent losing weight at the rate me want it to go, taking measurement is a great way to track progress. I think seeing the inches I have lost will help me to stay motivated. At the end of my 37 days I will do updates on my measures. 
5. Eat between 1400 and 1500 calories a day. I have noticed that I do better with my weight loss if I eat between 1400-1500 calories a day if I am exercising a lot. Anything less than that and I only maintain my weight. On rest days I will eat between 1200 and 1300 calories. I think that is sufficient because I lead a non active life style at the moment and since I am only exercising for 30mins on Rest Days I there is no need for the extra calories.
6. Evaluate my progress once a week. At the end of each week I will do an evaluation on how I am doing in terms of weight loss and eating. Then I will make changes to my challenge if needed.  

Friday, October 29, 2010

Check Out This Blog!

I have mentioned this before and I will mention it again,  I love reading blogs. I read quite a few post a day and while I love reading blog posts every once in a while I come across a post that is really inspirational and forces me to reflect on my own life and struggles while at the same time exposing me to what others are going through in their personal journeys. I would recommend for everyone to read the post Why am I blogging by Ellen at Fat Girl Wearing Thin if you haven't read it already!. She is definitely one of my favourite bloggers and I could say a lot of nice things about her blog but you should go and read it yourself. What are you waiting for??? Go Read It!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I changed the name of my blog...

I just thought I needed a change because I feel like I am already Fab even with the I may change it again but for now I like my new name. In the next few weeks I want to start doing more informative posts also that isn't only about my journey but posts that provide tips that may help to dispel myths that almost have a research feel to it. We shall see how things progress of course. I hope everyone is doing good and avoiding temptation!

Monday, October 25, 2010

This weeks Goals and Aspirations

Like I said in my previous post last week was a fail for me because I did not make healthy eating choices. This week is going to be different!

Exercise Goals: At least an hour of exercise everyday. ( My proposed workout plan is subject to change I will follow my body I may exercise more or less depending on how I feel)

Monday: Walk Away the lbs Healthy Heart walk (am) & Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3 (pm)
Tuesday: Walk Away the lbs (2mile walk with light weights) & Turbo Jam Fat Blaster (pm)
Wednesday: Rest (am) & YBB Cardio Carbaret
Thursday: Walk Away the lbs (1mile walk with light weights) & Zumba (maybe)
Friday: Turbo Jam 20 minute workout & Hip Hop Abs
Saturday: Stretching (not sure which one I may do yoga)
Sunday: Rest Day

Food and Calorie Goals:

Eat a minimum of 1300 calories (1500 max)
Avoid Junk food ( I had more than my share last week)
Avoid Drinking calories: I want to save that for food. So I am not going to drink anything that has calories. Sugarless tea, Crystal Bay and Water are my only opinions.
Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Get more fibre
Drink a minimum 64oz of water a day. My ideal based on exercise and weather is 112oz

Miscellaneous Goals:

Only weigh myself on Fridays: I will ONLY weigh myself 1once a week. That is on Friday for the 15 in 15 and 15 in 30 challenge. I notice when I see that I lost weight early in the week I slack off the rest of the week. This is a no no for me and encourages bad habits for me.

Take my Thyroid Meds EVERY DAY ON TIME!: I am such a slacker on this. I hate being committed to doing

Go to bed on time.... I hate sleeping I wish I didn't have to sleep. I haven't decided what time I should go to bed yet but I will update later.

Last Week in Review.

Last week was like a roller coaster ride for me. I started the week off good for my weight in on Friday (the week before) was 209 and by Sunday I was 207. Monday and Tuesday (of last week) I worked out well but I did not eat nearly enough calories, I only at 700 and 500 of the 1300 I am supposed to eat. Also, I didn't track my eating on Wednesday but at the end of the day I logged what I had eaten that day and it was 1600 calories. I noticed that I ate a lot less when I was tracking then when I wasn't. The reason for that is when I am tracking I know what nutrients I am missing and if I can't find the foods that I need to fill that need I don't eat anything. (Weird but true). I exercised on Wednesday as well but by Thursday the scale read that I was up by 1lb from my Sunday weight and I was surprised because I really didn't eat that much and I was still exercising. However, I didn't drink enough water, that much I am sure of and I didn't take my vitamins so I chuck last week up as a fail. Last week was a fail in my opinion not because I only lost one lb from my last official weigh in but because I didn't make healthy eating choices. 

For my 15 in 15 challenge weight  I lost 1lb (208). This morning I went on the scale and I am 206.8 I don't know where the extra 1.2 lbs went because I didn't exercise over the weekend and I did eat a lot of junk foods so I am not really taking that number seriously. Nevertheless this is a new week and I am getting back on track when it comes to eating. I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast and it has been helping with my digestion which is amazing. I was taking green tea extract the week before, I didn't take any last week but I think I am going to start taking them again. Last week I also didn't take my thyroid meds like I should have so I have to make an effort to stay on track this week with that. (I will post my goals for this week in a different post.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Untitled...(MIni Rant)

I feel like I am always complaining about food. If I am not eating too much, I am eating too little. Is this what I am reduced to? Am I destined to live my life over concerned with calories counting and food tracking and finding ways to avoid ice cream, and eat enough fibre and make it second nature to do this? Really?, Truly? Is this what my life is reduced to? Hmmmmmmmmm I guess this is what I signed on for, or was it? I envy the persons that have the ability to plan their food in advance and make healthy food choices, while I struggle with forcing myself to eat something so I don't cause my hair to fall out or turn brown because I lack nutrition. Am I overreacting? Maybe... Does it matter? Yes it does because I am on a journey to be healthy more than I am to lose weight. Assuming they both go hand in hand if I live to be healthy eventually I will lose the weight. I think I need to reassess my goals before I turn into what I used to be. Someone starving and afraid to eat because I may gain a pound or two. I feel like I am trapped between a rock and a hard place because on one hand I know determination helps me to achieve my goals, while on the other hand I know that obsession can lead me to a state of mind I thought I left in my teens... Life have a way of throwing double edge swords my way, but regardless if I focus on health and not weight loss I will be able to stay focus and fight off the vices that are trying to take control....  At least this is what I am hoping... I guess only time will tell

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My first Blog Award(s)!!!!

These are my First blog awards! Thanks MissHaneefa for passing it along to me :D

For the first award I have to tell you 10 things I love so here it goes:

  1. I love my Sir (fiancé) Even though we have been through a lot he always sticks by me and I feel blessed that he is in my life
  2. My family especially my 3 year old Nephew. 
  3. Spending Money, What girl doesn't like shopping??? 
  4. Learning new languages other than English I speak Spanish fluently and I am learning Dutch
  5. I love Travelling
  6. I love watching television if I am home all day I watch about 18hours of television
  7. I love reading
  8. I love laughing and comedy.
  9. I love meeting new people
  10. I love how I feel after I had a great workout
The Second award says to list 7 things you don't know about me: 
  1. I am working on becoming a Spanish teacher
  2. My father died when I was 8
  3. I suffered from depression for much of my teen and adulthood but I am finally at a point in my life where I feel happy more than not. I am doing it without meds
  4. I am terrified of driving and I have no idea why
  5. I do not chew gum
  6. I used to bite my nails until I was about 25 then I stopped and grew my nails really long (they are short now though but I am regrowing them)
  7. I want a tattoo but I will not get one because I hate how tattoos look on old people and I am planning on living a very long life. I can't be an old person with a tattoo no mam no
I am giving the awards to: All great blogs, the others I wanted to give it to were already chosen by MissHaneefa.

Stressful Few Days

The last three days have been extremely stressful for me and my eating has suffered a lot because of it. I have no idea why I am feeling this way, but I have been nervous, moody and I have been having problems sleeping. The lack of sleep most likely is the cause of my nervousness and moodiness or maybe my moodiness and nervousness is the results of my lack of Either way I have been having problems sleeping and eating. I am one of those persons who will not eat because of stress. Food doesn't comfort me at all if anything it does the opposite. I am still logging everything I eat at, on Thursday I ate 1280calories which was good for me cause it was close to my target of 1300 which made me happy. Friday however I only ate 1064 calories. According to the food analysis on the website I did not eat enough protein, fibre and my vitamins we lacking too.  I worry less about the vitamin portion because I supplement that with a multivitamin pill. (eventually I will work that out with food). I was really exhausted from the lack of sleep so I didn't exercise those two days.Yesterday (Saturday) was the worst day. I only ate about 600 calories!  I was slightly hungry in the evening but I was unable to put any food in my mouth. I did however get in 30mins of workout with the help of Leslie Sansone healthy heart walking dvd. It was a 2mile walk and it is pretty low impact. I went on the scale last night (and this morning) and it says I am down a lil over a pound since Friday's weigh in. So I am currently 207.9 from 209 (probably water weight though) . Today I am going to aim for 1400 calories because I don't want my body to go into starvation mood. I like the fact that I am finally making progress it has been a long road to travel and I am not turning back. Because of my history I want to lose weight the healthy way, but stressing about it won't help either. It is ironic that I am giving a stress management speech on Tuesday in my oral communications class but I am having problems managing my own 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

15lbs in 30 Days...

Yesterday while reading blogs, I came across this challenge to lose 15lbs in 30days. I immediately started laughing  because my first thought was there is no way I can lose that much weight in 30 days. I would have to average about 3.5lbs a week to make that happen. I thought about the amount of work that I had to do to lose the 2lbs I lost last week. Then my laugh turned serious and my competitive self came out and I was thinking why not give it a shot? What do I have to lose? Besides weight, nothing! I think this challenge will help me with the other challenge I am doing which is to lose 15lbs in 15weeks. I think it will also help me with my eating because I will not waste my calories on junk food (wishful thinking).  Maybe It will be the extra push I need to get where I want to be. Which is more active and fit.

Another reason why I want to do the challenge (also the blogger's reason for the challenge) is because my birthday is in November (6days after the challenge ends) if I could pull this off I promise you I am going to eat a nice slice of cake for my birthday with some ice cream with sprinkles on top. Despite my new excitement over the challenge I know I have some rough weeks ahead because I will have term papers and reports due in November so I am going to be extra stressed, but what better way to manage that stress than through exercise????? Wish me luck, because I think I am going to need it. 

(clicking the picture should take you to the Original Blogger's post)

Friday, October 15, 2010

15 in 15 Challenge Update

We are at the third weigh in for the 15 in 15 challenge. I went on the scale last night (and also this morning) and my weight was 209 I was soooooooo excited because I lost 2lbs this week, despite eating 2 slices of pizza and despite eating a huge bowl of ice cream. I did some some things differently this week though. 

  1. 1. I drink a lot more water than I normally did. I went on a website and found out how much water I had to drink in a day. According to the website I should drink 112oz of water a day( that is based on my weight, countries climate (HOT) and my activity level, I only met that goal once but on average I drank at least 64oz of water this week. (which was still more than I normally drink)
  2. I started taking green tea extract. I don't know if it is only in my mind but it gave me a lot of energy through that day. I am guess it is from the caffeine found in green tea. I may stop because I have been feeling nervous and jittery this week too. It would be one of two things either my thyroid levels have elevated and I am in the hyper range or the it is from the caffeine levels in the tea. I think it is the first because I was feeling nervous before I started taking the green tea supplements. 
  3. I did the Turbo Jam workouts a lot this week. I think I did about 10+ hours of exercise this week compared to the ~7 hours I normally do.
  4. For the last two days I have stuck to a 1300 calorie intake. Which I track through
My Goals for next week are:

  1. I will continue to work on my water intake.
  2. I will continue to eat 1300 calories and track it through the website. I already talked about why I like the website in another post. However I have to say it again. I love the food analysis portion of the tracking. In the last two days I noticed that my vitamin (and fibre) intake was too low so I have started taking multivitamins (last night I started) until I can figure out the right food combination that gives me the right amount of vitamins I need that is still within my 1300 calorie intake. (Note to self if you stop wasting it on junk food you will be able to do that... Note back to self MYOB (mind your own business))
  3. I will continue to push myself through exercise. I can't believe I said I hated Turbo Jam. I love the workout because it is a great cardio workout. My heart is beating, I am sweating and I am finding energy I didn't know I had. I have even grown to like Charlene. Yes I said it! 
  4. I am going to be adding more fibre to my diet by drinking Metamucil. I probably should talk to my doctor first because I do take synthroid but I am going to make sure that I don't take my thyroid meds close to when I drink the fibre drink. I was thinking about buying fiber one bars but they are kind of expensive here and I have to check how much sugar is in it before I buy it. 

It is wrong and I am guilty of it...

There is this girl in one of my classes and she is about my height 5'5 and she weighs close to 400 lbs if not 400lbs. (I don't know her actual weight of course but she looks to be about twice my size.) The reason why I mentioned her is because she was one of the reasons why I decided to lose weight. The truth is I was appalled that she allowed herself to get so big. I was actually disgusted by her size. The worse part of the situation was that I didn't realize that my thoughts were wrong and that the only thing disgusting was that I was seeing her size and not the person. 

She is a very beautiful girl, and she carries herself neat and clean. She wears clothes that fit her well, her make up is always on point and she always has a smile on her face. Anyways I didn't realize what I was doing was wrong until I saw someone else do it.  Once I saw someone else doing it I realized that I am no better than my classmate, what I mean is that I am obese (dang I hate that word) as well, and a thinner person may look at me in a negative way and say she looks gross I don't want to be like her. That thinner person may think about me in the manner in which I thought about my classmate and the thought of that makes me sad. That thought makes me want to yell BEYOND MY SIZE, I AM A REAL PERSON! (just like my class is a real person with real feelings) What I now realize is that my focus should not be on how my classmate got to the size that she is now, my focus should be on what am I going to do to become healthier and more fit. I should not be directing my self hate on someone else.

I think that when you are trying to lose weight it is best to focus on yourself and the personal changes you want to make. You should think about the things that matter, like your healthy and fitness goals. Focusing on the positives will help you stay positive during your journey. It will also help with self esteem and confidence because you would see weight loss in a positive light. Focusing your self hate on someone else (which is what I was doing unknowingly) will only cause you to judge others who haven't gained the awareness you have now gained about health and fitness. Also it will cause you to take drastic measures because you see being overweight as being a very negative thing. Negativity breeds negativity, and you can never be happy if your focusing on the negative. It is just that simple. 

Finally I want to say that my post is not to offend anyone, I am just pointing out an error I have  made during my journey. The longer I continue the more I am learning about myself. Sometimes we don't realize a journey involves not only the physical but the mental and emotional too. I am finding out a lot about myself and who I am through this weight loss journey. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Food Tracking and

On Sunday I decided that it would be a good idea to write down everything I ate which I did, but I found that it made me think about food more and I was eating more than I normally did. Breakfast started off well because I ate oatmeal. Although oatmeal is healthy for most for me its not because I like A LOT of salt on my oatmeal. Honestly I probably put 2 tablespoons of salt in about 2 cups of oatmeal. That is not healthy at all! But that day I made sure that I didn't add too much salt so it was good to me.  For lunch I ate mixed vegetables (about 2 cups of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.) and 2 chicken wings and after that I just went buck wild! I was eating ice cream and cookies and everything I knew that wasn't good for me to eat. I had 3 more chicken wings and chocolate pudding and I really think it is because I was writing down what I ate. I felt so out of control. I am like a child when it comes to restrictions, limitations and being told what to do. Once I made up my mind that I would track my eating my inner rebellious self took over! So I have to take a different approach because I am determined to get this right. 

As a result of my overeating on Sunday Monday I decided not to track me eating, (i didn't consciously restrict myself) and I did a lot better there was no overeating even though I didn't always make the best choices. Yesterday was a stressful day for me, (I had two presentations and an exam on that day) and I didn't eat that much I had an apple for breakfast and I  didn't eat again until after my 9oclock class (late i know), Even though it was late and I wasn't hungry I decided to eat something because I don't want my metabolism to be compromised because I wasn't eating enough. Today I am trying something new to track me eating. I am using the website Calorie Count to track my eating now.

I love the website. I have had an account with them for a while but I have never been consistent with using it to track my journey back to "slimville".  (I have an account with spark people as well but I prefer calorie count ) I put in my current weight and how much I want to weigh by January and they told me how much calories I should eat a day and how much calories I should burn in order to achieve my goals. One thing i love about the site is that it uses a letter grading system to let you know how well you are doing. So far I have only added my breakfast and I have a B+. (i had a egg wrap for breakfast.) Another thing I like is that they have a food analysis that tells you for example how much sodium was in your food, and it tell you what you what nutrients you are lacking. If you are like me and you have problems monitoring your eating maybe you should try using that site too. So far I like it but the only way it will work is if I stay consistent. I hope everyone else is doing great. I am about to go catch up on my blog readings then I am going to exercise and eat some lunch. I think I may just make a salad with some tuna. 

Bye for Now

Monday, October 11, 2010


I want to say thank you for everyone who decided to follow my blog! It means so much to me because I really didn't think anyone would find anything I wrote worth reading. But I am happy if you do. I have such a huge smile on my face right now, 7 followers??? Really???? ( well 6 cause my fiancĂ© doesn't count he didn't have a choice but to I follow all your blogs and I think you are all have great blogs as well.