Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Absent Minded, Lazy and Such

For the last two weeks I have been in a lazy mood. Seriously If I didn't have to get out of bed I would stay in all day. I have lost all motivation, I don't even want to make blog posts. (I miss you all though so I still read and post comments.) I have moments when all I want is solitude and if I could, I would disappear out of existence for however long I need to be away. Unfortunately, that kinda stuff only happens in movies and as far as I know my life isn't being taped. There isn't some show out there called " The Shanny Show" where everyone else knows it is a movie and I am clueless of my made up existence. Can you tell that I am a big fan of Jim Carey? 

Anyways on to weight loss, I have been steady at 202lbs, there are moments when I gain a pound or lose a pound but whenever Friday comes along I manage to see the magic number again. I know exactly what I am doing wrong, it is just going to take me a bit of time to correct it. I still expect to be under 200lbs by January. I have been working out, I walk every day (outside) and I have done WATPs dvds but today I am getting back into Turbo Fire, I plan to do yesterday's workout and today's workout today. I am off from school for this semester so I will have more time to dedicate to working out and eating right. 

My final thoughts are, losing weight isn't easy, it takes dedication and consistency and if one of those things is lacking anyone who is trying to lose weight is going to come across hurdles. However, if by chance obstacles stand in your way, find a way to get around it, do not give up and do not get frustrated, some races aren't for the swift, but rather the slow and steady runners. I feel like a fortune cookie...lol Or one of those corny cliche books. Anyways peoples (yes I said peoples, it is a word in my vocab) until next time. I may do a few more posts today, in between my day...lol

Thanks for taking the time to read my randomness. Hope yall have a nice day and lose a lot of weight!. 


  1. You will get through this, I know it. One day at a time. Life will get in the way and that's OK; just don't stress about it and let it happen. You'll eventually pick right back up where you left off.

  2. WOO-HOO! My comment actually made it! Nice work on the new site, by the way!

  3. Shannie you are too funny! Sometimes I prefer the HIIT workouts over the longer routines, call me crazy?! Thank you for your comments about my girls, and yes my eldest daughter does look a lot like me! My baby has zero tact when it comes to her honesty but we're working on that lol!

    I will always send positive thoughts and love to the islands!!

  4. @Ellen I am happy you can finally comment! Trust I do not stress, stress is not a good fit on me...lol I am taking one day at a time and I am still committed I know I will get there some things just take time.
