Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 6 Results

My workouts went a lot better than yesterday. I actually did them. Which was great! I feel like I am back on track. I will mention my Insanity Fit Test first. . OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was so By the end of it i felt lightheaded and dizzy. I think through most of the tests I wasn't breathing thats the only way I can account for the lightheadedness (this is my word don't judge me). I did my best and from doing the fit test I learned that I have no upper body strength at ALL. Seriously, it is none existing. I couldn't do any push up jacks. NOT ONE! due to my lack of upper body strength. So if in two weeks if I can do one its an improvement (believe me i didnt intentionally score low  this is how bad I I am still committed to doing Insanity though even though I struggled with the fit test. 

These are my insanity results. My switch kicks number was kinda high but I think thats because I didnt kick that high!?! So the accuracy on that is kind of a question mark.

Move Fit Test 1 Switch Kicks 113 Power Jacks 25 Power Knees 41 Power Jumps 10 Globe Jumps 4 Suicide Jumps 2 Push-Up Jacks 0 Low Plank Oblique 6

My WATP (Walk Away the Pounds) workout went really well I did the 2mile walk and I feel great. I definitely see an improving in my stamina and endurance because on Sunday I was not able to complete the 2mile walk. Now I can and it was really easy. I worked out a sweat and now I feel great. This work out really made me feel better after seeing my results from Insanity. I am on my way to a SLIMMER ME! :D (trying to wake up my

Tomorrow's Working

Morning: Walk Away The Pounds 2mile Walk
Evening: Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Insanity) 


  1. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! At least now you know what you are starting with and I am sure that you will show imorovement. Way to go on the workouts, all the best this weekend!
